GPS tracking in HeiaHeia

Track your workouts using HeiaHeia's GPS tracking. For the GPS to work correctly, certain settings on your phone must be enabled. In this article you will find instructions for the correct settings.

Using the GPS tracker is really easy: 

  • Start tracking: tap on the blue plus symbol -> GPS tracking -> start button.  
  • When you finish your workout, press the pause button and then the red stop button to stop tracking. Choose your activity and save your exercise to HeiaHeia. Reset if you don't want to save your workout to HeiaHeia. 

iOS: GPS-settings in HeiaHeia app 

The app has a few settings for GPS tracking.

Go to your profile -> Settings:

  • Choose, who can see your GPS routes and location data. 
  • Choose when creating the entry, whether you want the tracker to use the total time or only the moving time. If you select the moving time, the pauses will be subtracted from the exercise time at the end of tracking.
GPS-tracker settings:

Open the GPS-tracker by tapping the blue plus symbol -> tracker -> Settings (top right corner) 

  • Choose the map (standard, hybrid or satellite map) 
  • Choose whether you want to enable/disable speech during tracking. 

Android: GPS-settings in HeiaHeia app 

The app has a few settings for GPS tracking.

  • User profile > Settings: select who can see your GPS routes and location data. 
  • Account Preferences > Tracker Preferences: here you can enable/disable the speech announcements, turn on/off auto pause and specify the tracker information and data shown on your HeiaHeia entry.

GPS-settings of the phone 

Please check the following settings in your phone settings.

For route tracking to work correctly, you need to allow HeiaHeia:
  • Access Location while using the app 
  • Background App Refresh
Both settings can be found in the Settings of your phone -> search HeiaHeia in the list of apps -> allow background refresh and access for location while using. Tap on Location -> Allow the precise location on your phone.



For route tracking to work correctly, you need to allow HeiaHeia:

  • Access to location while using the application 

App location permissions: Settings > Apps > HeiaHeia > Permissions > Location permissions > Allow while in use (menus may vary depending on the model). 

  • Keep the app running also in the background.
Keep running in the background: Settings > Apps > HeiaHeia >  Battery > Keep running in the background (menus may vary depending on the model). 

Common problems with GPS tracking 

Problems with tracking are most often caused by different settings of your phone: 

  • Sometimes the power-saving mode on phones can cut off GPS tracking, so make sure you have enough battery power for tracking your workout.
  • If your phone has too little memory available, this might also cause it to stop tracking.
  • On some older Android phones, access to location must be allowed all the time for the tracking to work properly. 
  • Android:  Clearing cache might help to solve "mystery" problems. 
    Go to HeiaHeia  -> Storage -> clear cache, clear data. Open HeiaHeia -> login again (connect wearables or health app if needed).  
You should also always make sure that you have the latest update of the HeiaHeia app. Update the app version and, if necessary, log out and log back in to HeiaHeia to ensure all settings are updated.