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Micro actions

In this article, you can read about enabling and disabling micro actions for your community and how they work in a challenge.

Micro actions are small, daily acts of well-being. When done regularly, micro actions can help form new habits with a positive impact on well-being!

Enabling micro actions

You can choose the micro actions visible to members of your community by enabling or disabling them here: Admin tools -> Micro actions

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We recommend choosing about 5-10 micro actions at a time to be visible to your community. You can change different micro-activities at certain intervals, for example by theme. 

Micro actions in a challenge 

  • In our ready-made challenges, micro actions are usually pre-selected according to the challenge theme and set ready for the community. Other micro actions are disabled during the challenge.
  • You can also choose your own micro-actions that best suit your community for the challenge and change the micro actions for example every week if you wish.
  • In challenges, you can earn points or a bonus for logging micro actions as follows: 

- Point challenges: 500 - 1500 p / micro action. Points for different micro-actions are visible in the Admin tools -> micro actions.
- Step challenges: 500 bonus steps / micro action, if bonus is enabled.
- Minute challenges: 2 bonus minutes / micro action, if bonus is enabled.

After the challenge

  • You can disable the micro actions of the challenge and enable new ones of your choice.

Logging micro actions

Members can find the enabled micro actions in HeiaHeia under the plus button and log a micro action completed once a day.
Micro actions are private by default, i.e. they are not visible to others unless the user explicitly sets the action as public. 

If you are a member of more than one community: Micro actions are community specific. This means, you will see only the micro actions of the community you are currently logged in to.