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HeiaHeia feed, training log and statistics (web)

Learn about feed, agenda, your training log and statistics.

1. My HeiaHeia

In My HeiaHeia feed you can view all your entries and the public entries of your friends. Remember to cheer and comment on your friends activities!

Enliven your entries by adding photos and notes.

Your private entries are marked with a lock symbol.


Edit an entry: Click on the entry -> edit. Make your changes and save. 

Delete an entry: Click on the entry -> delete.

Share an entry: Click the facebook or twitter symbol on your entry you want to share. You can’t share private entries.


2. Agenda

This is your activity calendar. It will help you to view and plan your weekly activity. By scheduling exercises and activities into the future, you can make yourself a training plan. HeiaHeia will remind you of your plan.    


3. Training log

View all your entries here as a timeline or as training log. Use the arrows to scroll.  You can filter your entries by years or by sport activities. Click on Show all and then choose which entries you want to filter > Apply. Or filter by tags. Read more on tags below. 


4. Statistics            

Step back and take a look at the bigger picture to see how you’re coming on. With HeiaHeia stats you can track progress and get a summary of your activities.


Under Summary you will see your top sport activity and the number of your exercises and hours spent for exercising. You can also view your cheers, average mood, sick days and popular entries. Click on the year to view your activity in a certain year or choose all time to see a summary of all years. 


Training log shows you your monthly activity through the whole year or in All time timeline.

Choose a year by clicking the year (not the arrow).

View your trainings in number of exercises or in hours by clicking on Exercises or Hours. Include sick days and your target if you wish. The target shows as a green line in your statistics and sick days as a plus symbol.

Filtering: To get some more detailed information on certain sport activity, choose All sports and click on sport activities you want to filter. 


Filtering through tags:

Choose All sports and click on a tag you want to filter with. 

Tags are useful when analyzing training stats. Tagging your entries allows you to filter data and refine searches, to separate your light workouts from the more intense ones, for example. Or you can tag your running routes to compare performance and progress or you training partners.

Note! You can’t delete tags, so take a moment to pick the most useful and appropriate ones.


Weight log

Here you can view your statistics on your weight by all time timeline, by year or by month. Choose a year by clicking the year (not the arrow) and /or the month. 


The statistics page is possible to print out or you can download all your data from HeiaHeia. Go to your Account > Settings> Click on Export my data (at the bottom of the Settings page). It will take a few minutes for the data to process.