Things to consider when starting to use HeiaHeia

You will soon be ready to start supporting the wellbeing of our community members in an efficient and fun way. Before starting, it's good to familiarize yourself with managing users and building up teams.

How to invite users? 

There are two ways to invite users: 

  1. Inviting by email, or
  2. Giving a sign up code to people you want to invite. 

If you have access to email addresses, for example from the HR system, we recommend to use the first option.  You can upload the user data into the service regularly. This way the data will be updated. 

The second option is to use the sign up code created for your organization. User will enter the code in the registration process to join the community.  This option is commonly used, if the email addresses are unknown.   Here you will find more information about joining with a sign up code. 


Do I need teams in the community?

Your HeiaHeia community can include teams, which enable:  

  • HeiaHeia challenges, in which teams compete with each other
  • team statistics
  • team chat

An admin can create teams and add members to them. If allowed in your HeiaHeia settings, members can also create teams by themselves. 

Typically, the teams follow to organizational structure, for example product development, administration, sales department etc. But the teams can also be formed more freely, like Berlin, Munich and rest of Germany. Important is to consider what kind of teams would motivate the members to actively take part in challenges. 

How do members join teams and how are they managed?

If community members are managed centrally for example using lists from HR systems, it is easy to build up the teams according the lists. This way the team membership data is also easy to keep updated.  

All teams set up by admin are official teams. In addition, you can allow the members to create their own unofficial teams. Updates made with the HeiaHeia user management tool only affect the official teams, so you won't accidentally remove any teams that are set up by the members - these can be important sources of motivation for the team members. 


If you invite by email, the members will automatically join the teams according to your settings.

If the sign up code is used to join, the members must choose their team when registering. In this case we recommend to create the official teams before inviting members and set a mandatory team selection when joining the community. It is important to name the teams so that all members can identify their own team by name. 


In general, members should be encouraged to set up their own unofficial teams. You can always choose which teams compete in the challenges and are shown on the TOP lists. If you wish only the official teams to be shown on the Top teams banner, please let us know so we can check your settings.

What next? 

The HeiaHeia team will help you to make the right choices during the onboarding process. If desired, you can ask for our well-functioning basic settings to get started easily. HeiaHeia is light to administer and easy to implement.